A little over 48 hours ago, we said goodbye to our friends on the Africa Mercy and left our home for the past 3 years. It was extremely hard to say goodbye to those people we consider family, and it seemed to carry on for the next 24 hours as we said 5 separate sets of tearful goodbyes (leaving our friends on the dock, leaving our friends who drove us to the ferry, being left by friends on a earlier flight once we arrived on the airport side, being left by other friends once we got to Brussels, then leaving two others behind as we boarded our flight 4 hours later). However, they have all been said for the time being and we are grateful for each and every person that brought tears to our eyes over the last few days.
We are now in England for the next 5 weeks, spending time with Samuel's family and friends. It seems quite cold here even though it is summertime, but it is a refreshing change to not sweat instantly upon stepping outside. We've alredy eaten some delicious home-cooked meals and had some time to rest and relax.
To our friends in England and the USA - we are looking forward to seeing you (if we haven't already), catching up and having fun after a long time apart. Let us know when you're available!
To our friends on the AFM - we love you all and miss you already. Enjoy the peace and quiet without us while you can :) And please, please keep in touch!