Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We did it!

Last week was our accreditation visit with the team from ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International). I have spent the last two years working on documents specifically for the school's accreditation, and last week all those documents were reviewed and the team verified that we were doing what we said we were doing. And on Friday, they recommended us for FULL accreditation with ACSI! This is a huge blessing for the families on the ship, and it was an extremely proud moment for all of the teachers. THANK YOU to everyone who prayed for me and my team during the past two years (and especially the past few weeks), it was only with God's strength that we were able to do this in such a short time!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mercy Ships Academy 2010-2011

Meet the Mercy Ships Academy 2010-2011! All students, from nursery to grade 10 (we have no grade 11 or 12 this year!), are pictured here with the staff.

Here is my wonderful group of grade 2's and 3's with Miss Angie, the grade 2 teacher.

And my beloved co-workers...I will miss these people an unbelieveable amount...

One Month.

One month from today we will be touching down in London, England, having said our final goodbyes to our friends and loved ones in Africa.

Please pray for us as we begin this period of transition.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Today I went with some friends to the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, about an hour inland from Freetown. They rescue traumatized and sick chimps, nourish them, and re-acclimate them to other chimps as well as the wild. It was wonderful to spend the day in the fresh air rather than the industrialized port, and it's nice to know that even the local people are interested in advocating for the powerless.

Sorry for the scenery pictures - they were taken from the back of a moving, bumpy Land Rover!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Samuel at work!

Samuel's main duties on board the Africa Mercy are to a) stock and run the Ship Shop, and b) stock and run the Cafe/Snack Bar. There is always excitement in the air when a container comes in, knowing that fresh items will arrive in both places, the Ship Shop especially. And it was no different last time a container arrived just two or three weeks ago. People lined up outside the Ship Shop, waiting for it to open so they could grab some macaroni and cheese or chips and salsa, coveted items for the past few months. Just look at all the things people bought! Doesn't take much to keep us happy :)
